
Waterworks for 500 m³/h

Water treatment plant for waterworks in Wyszków, a town in northeastern Poland. EUROWATERs has designed, manufactured, supplied and installed the complete solution.  

The filtration system consists of six pressure filters with a diameter of 3000 mm designed as parallel filters with a pipe system entirely in stainless steel.

In the lower part of the pressure filters there is a nozzle plate that offers some significant advantages:

  • Even distribution of load for optimum utilization of the filter medium.
  • Efficient and even washing of the filtering media with air and water ensuring high filtration capacity as the head loss increases less rapidly.
  • Stagnant water is avoided, both during operation and during backwash, which is important in order to limit bacterial growth.


Číslo reference: 071558
Industry: Vodárny
Application: Pitná voda


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Technická data

  • Flow: 500 m³/h
  • Iron: < 0.01 mg/L
  • Manganese: < 0.01 mg/L

Jednotky v zařízení

  • Equipment for oxidation
  • Automatic pressure filters 6 x TFB 105 – diameter 3000 mm
  • Equipment for backwash
  • Distribution pumps
  • Control system


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