
NOWE waterworks

Design, manufacturing and supply of water treatment plant for waterworks in Krośniewice, a town in the center of Poland.

The filtration system consists of four automatic pressure filters with a diameter of 1800 mm, designed as parallel filters, with complete pipe system in stainless steel.

Reference ID: 094955
Industry: Les usines de distribution d'eau
Application: Eau potable


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Technical data

  • Flow: 2 x 40 m³/h
  • Iron: < 0.2 mg/L
  • Manganese: < 0.05 mg/L

Units in plant

  • Aerators 2 x A1200
  • Pressure filters 4 x TFB 40
  • Aeration equipment
  • Equipment for backwash
  • Distribution system
  • Central PLC control cabinet with touch screen


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