
Make-up water for district heating grid BTB Schöneweide

SILHORKO-EUROWATER has delivered a compact unit type CU:RO for BTB Schöneweide in Germany.

In the compact system, consisting of a frame-mounted duplex-softening and a reverse osmosis system, the water from a well is softened, demineralized and subsequently fed into a network expansion tank. Sodium hydroxide solution is added to control pH.

The plant in Schöneweide is an important part of the district heating network BTB Adlershof/Schöneweide. It was originally build in 1963, as a coal fired industrial power plant, to generate stream end electricity for the surrounding industry. The plant has been renewed and modernized since the takeover by BTB in 1992.

Reference ID: 094646
Industry: Távfűtő- és erőművek
Application: Távfűtővíz


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Technical data

  • Flow: 1.6 m³/h
  • Conductivity: 10 μS/cm

Units in plant

  • CU:RO
  • Softening unit SM62 (duplex)
  • RO B1-4 with SE30 control
  • Raw water pressure boosting system type CRI5-8
  • Dosing NaOH for pH-regulation


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