Process water for CIP in Russian dairy
The Molvest dairy company in southwest Russia has invested in a second water treatment solution from Silhorko-Eurowater for turning groundwater into high-quality process water. They were so satisfied with the first solution that five years after, they ordered another solution just like it.
The water source is groundwater, which is filtered in the pressure filters, removing iron and manganese. The treated water is then collected in large steel vessels and the pump unit supplies clean drinking water to the user points, as required. The process water is planned to be used for CIP in a new whey powder plant. The UV disinfection systems ensure a constant and efficient protection against bacterial activity.
After manufacturing and pre-assembly at the factory in Denmark, a careful inspection was carried out (see pictures), attended by all relevant parties including DairyTech Denmark, VJ Rørteknik and the commissioning engineer from Silhorko-Eurowater.
Reference ID: 144316
Industry: Élelmiszeripar
Application: Ivóvíz | Folyamatvíz | Öblítővíz
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Technical data
- Flow iron removal filters: 75 m³/h
- Flow booster pump: Up to 180 m³/h
Units in plant
- Two pressure filters type TFB 75 with a connecting pipe system in stainless steel
- Skid with equipment for backwash
- UV disinfection system type Wedeco Spektron
- PLC control cabinet