Exposed for the tough working conditions, the existing sand filters in structural fiberglass realized a breakdown and needed replacement.
The new sand filters from EUROWATER is made of steel. Inside, the filters are coated with a certified and completely sealed rubber lining. Outside, the filters are treated with a high quality epoxy paint categorized in corrision class C5-I.
Futhermore, the new filter solution should be designed with easy accessibility in order to be user friendly as well as service friendly. Therefore, the complete solution with filters, break tank, pipe system and operating valves is supplied pre-engineered as a frame-mounted solution.
The complete project included design, manufacturing, installation, and commissioning.
Reference ID: 119250
Industry: Távfűtő- és erőművek
Application: Kazánvíz | Távfűtővíz | Folyamatvíz
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