SILHORKO-EUROWATER A/S has supplied water treatment for Turkmenistan Glass Factory. The glass plant is designed to produce several types of glass products, including laminated and tempered glass. EPC contractor is Tepe Turkmen Construction from Turkey.
Raw water is partly public water supply and partly own water source. First step is removal of mechanical impurities, iron and manganese in pressure filters. Filtered water is used partly as potable water and partly for the DI water production.
The DI water production is done in several steps, including double-pass membrane filtration. After first pass water is used partly for cooling purposes. After second pass the DI water is used as rinse water in glass washing machines. A special coating process requires water quality with low silica content and conductivity less than 1 µS/cm. Within each glass rinse zone, the water is recycled over special filters, combined carbon and gravel filters and UV disinfection units to minimize the water consumption.
Reference ID: 123123
Industry: Üvegipar
Application: Kazánvíz | Hűtővíz | Ivóvíz | Öblítővíz
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