
Double pass RO for Boiler Feed Water

The customer is a leading innovator and recognised internationally as a premier developer of high quality building materials. In the production process, the customer operates a steam boiler. Therefore, high quality boiler feed water treatment is a central element in the efforts to achieve an unproblematic and economic boiler operation as well as an optimum steam quality. Disadvantages in connection with scale formation, corrosion, frequent blowdown, and high consumption of chemicals quickly result in serious financial consequences.

On top of that, the customer wants to save water and energy. Therefore, a RO-PLUS reverse osmosis unit is used in the water treatment solution. The RO-PLUS is a series of RO units from EUROWATER based on water saving technology. The units are designed for a recovery rate up to 90%, compromising neither the reliability nor the water quality. By using this technoloty, the customer can save up to 60 percent of the water.

Also, the RO unit is designed so that the mode of operation easily can be switched between double pass (focus on water quality) and two single pass (focus on water flow).

Reference ID: 063498
Industry: Produksjonsindustrien
Application: Kjelevann


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Technical data

  • Flow: 10 m3/h
  • Conductivity: <1 μS/cm

Units in plant

  • Double pass reverse osmosis unit with antiscale NaOH dosing system
  • Siemens S7 PLC with ethernetcard (for remote control)
  • Control box with touch panel


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