
High efficiency production of makeup water for Aalborg district heating

EUROWATER has designed and supplied a new plant for producing makeup water for the district heating grid in Aalborg, Denmark. The plant is a vital part of Aalborg district heating's maintenance plan, allowing the main makeup production facility at another location to be shut down on a regular basis for maintenance.
The plant consists of an UPCORE softening unit and a reverse osmosis unit. The RO unit is an RO-PLUS unit, optimized for high water recovery and low energy consumption in order to minimize operational costs. RO-PLUS units are designed for a recovery rate up to 90% compromising neither the reliability nor the water quality. The demineralized water is stored in a 25 m3 clean water tank which also acts as a buffer.

EUROWATER was selected as a supplier because the solution could provide the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over a period of 15 years. 

Reference ID: 105900
Industry: Varme og kraftverk
Application: Fjernvarme vann


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Technical data

  • Flow: 25 m³/h
  • Conductivity: 10 µS/cm

Units in plant

  • Softening unit UPCORE SLC 1802-F
  • RO-PLUS reverse osmosis unit C3-18+3
  • 25 m³ clean water tank
  • Pumping units
  • On-line supervision of hardness


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