
Waterworks with an expansion plan for the future

EUROWATER have supplied the water treatment equipment to a waterworks in the northern part of Denmark.The waterworks is build for a capacity of 70 m³/h. The customer wanted to prepare the waterworks for an increased future supply, so the filter room is designed for two extra pressure filters, an additional supply pump and piping for an extra clean water tank. This means that the total capacity can be doubled. To reduce the noise from the compressor and generator, there is build ​​a separate room for these. This provides a better working environment for the operating personnel.

Reference ID: 063667
Industry: Vannverk
Application: Drikkevann


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Technical data

  • Flow: 2 x 35 m³/h
  • Iron: <0.05 mg Fe/L
  • Ammonium: <0.05 mg NH4/L

Units in plant

  • Pressure filters
  • 2 x TFB35 in parallel operation
  • Aeration and backwash equipment
  • Pump unit with 4 frequency controlled pumps
  • Central PLC control cabinet
  • operator panel with touch screen and communication through Ethernet
  • Dehumidifier


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