
Mobile demineralizer water treatment plant in trailer

Looking for a reliable and efficient flow of demineralized water? Our reverse osmosis rental unit in a trailer is designed to meet your needs with a flow rate of up to 8 m³/h.

This mobile unit offers the flexibility and convenience of on-site water purification, ensuring high-quality water wherever you need it.


Water treatment in container from Eurowater

A complete plug-and-play solution

Temporary supply of process water during maintainance or replacement of existing water treatment solution


Seasonal peak loads where the demand for process water is increased


Filling up storage tanks at Heat & Power facilities


Units in rental trailer

  • Inlet water tank in PE, 1100 litres
  • Automatic water tank level system
  • Inlet water strainer (135 µ) with manual backwash
  • Grundfos CRN 10-4 raw water booster pump
  • Anti scale system with Grundfos dosing pump
  • 2 x 20”cartridge filter (1 µ)
  • RO C2-6 reverse osmosis plant with 8" membranes and Grundfos energy-efficient CRNE 10-12 pump
  • SE-40 control unit
  • 2000 W electric heater, for frost protection

Water treatment in container from Eurowater

Optimized operation monitoring with SE40 control

The water treatment unit is equipped with an SE40 control system that monitors pressure, flow, and conductivity. The touch screen interface provides access to a wide range of operating data, helping you optimize operating conditions.

The SE40 control system offers a comprehensive overview of the RO unit's operation and valuable insights into ensuring the supply of high-quality water.

Rent a demineralization plant in trailer

Our international service organization with an experienced staff of engineers and service technicians can offer start-up as well as training of your operating crew. Please contact us for further information and reservation of the demineralizer unit in trailer.
