ensures quality and reduces installation time
Published: 8 September 2020 | Contact
When installation time and quality have top priority, a factory-built solution could be the right choice. That was exactly the case for a Romanian manufacturer of spirits.
A water treatment solution consists of several treatment steps - filtration, softening, membrane filtration, booster pumps – all controlled from a central control cabinet. Basically, two approaches can be used when installing such a solution.
The plug-and-play approach offers several advantages:
Read more: Frame-mounted water treatment plants - ready for use!
Alexandrion, a Romanian brandy manufacturer chose a plug-and-play solution. The complete water treatment system was assembled at the EUROWATER production facility in Denmark. Upon completion and testing, the entire solution was shipped to the customer location, where it was installed. This was managed by the local EUROWATER distributor in Romania, Hydro-X.
“The installation time was very short. From placing the two frames on site, it only took two days to make piping and electrical connections between the frames and tying it into the existing process. The plant produced high water quality from the start.”, says Florian Radu, Managing Director of Hydro-X.
Removal of iron and manganese from groundwater in automatic pressure filters.
Activated carbon filters remove colour, taste and odour from the water and serve as an extra safety precaution.
Softening unit for reducing the hardness in the water and preventing calcium deposits in the subsequent membrane filtration unit.
Two reverse osmosis units (double-pass RO) are connected in series so the second unit treats the permeate from the first unit.
The membrane degassing unit (MDU) provides an efficient and chemical-free technology for removing CO2 from the RO permeate.
The EDI unit is used after the RO system for polishing of demineralized water to obtain low levels of conductivity.